Sunday, March 29, 2009

Monthly Recaps

Humor me here. Let's pretend that some reasonable number (let's say, five) of the 259 people who are ostensibly following The Secret Life of Hamel on Twitter are REALLY following The Secret Life of Hamel on Twitter. But then one of them gets the flu and does not go on the computer for a week. And another forgets to pay his/her Internet bill for a month. And two get so captivated watching Dancing with the Stars that they forget about Hamel for a while.

Don't these people deserve an easier way to catch up than reading updates in reverse order?

I agree. That's why I have decided to provide monthly recaps. (Also: this helps me remember what has been said so far.) So, look for the first recap sometime after April 1. And monthly recaps thereafter. For the next twelve and a half years.