Sunday, February 1, 2009

Building An Audience for a Goofy Idea

Okay, here are my thoughts on building an audience for my novel -- The Secret Life of Hamel -- on Twitter.

Between now and Feb 5 (when I publish the first epitweet in the novel), I plan on emailing the world and providing them with my twitter address -- @secretlifehamel -- and hoping a few check it out.

And I'm beginning to follow a lot of people on Twitter from @secretlifehamel because they might, in turn, follow it.

But, since this is also an experiment in social media and viral dynamics, I'm going to stop any mass building efforts as soon as I hit 100 followers. Then I will see whether or not the audience builds -- or languishes -- or just disappears.

If anyone has any other thoughts on this, let me know.


  1. This is a very interesting idea you got here. I'll be sure to follow & RT when possible. Good luck!

  2. You've already hooked me Mike!! Waiting for the first installment.

  3. Thanks for your comments. I can't wait to get this started and see if I can hold anyone's interest . . . I'll do my best.
